


End-blown flute with internal duct (421.221.12). It is the most popular instrument among the Basques. These people consider it a symbol of their race, though there are other typical instruments in the region. It is present almost in all feasts and found anywhere in the world where there are representatives of Euzkadi (Basque country). By extension, the player of txistulari is a person of great importance in the social life of the Basques.

The body, splindle-shaped externally, is made of ebony or fruitwood, to which synthetic materials are now added. The tube is cylindrical and has a narrow bore, which allows to produce a chromatic scale with its three fingerholes, two front ones and a rear one. These are set in the lower end and are stopped with the lefthand index, middle finger and thumb. The ring finger is set inside a welded hoop in one of the lower rings and serves to hold the instrument. These rings, the mouthpiece end a lamina applied on to the lip are made of metal.

The txistu is always accompanied by a tamboril, double-skin membranophone held on the txistulari's left shoulder. He strikes it with a stick held in his right hand. The repertoire comprises several styles, mainly dance music: aurresku, ezpatadantza, suletina, etc.

L. 42 x 0 of the pipe 1.5 cm.
Gift, Department of Culture and Tourism of the Basque Government via the Association of Friends of the Museum «Dr. Emilio Azzarini», 1989. IM 712.

Actualizado el: 2019-07-03